Monday, December 10, 2007

Eliza is on the go! Gotta love those curls eh?


BrianJ said...

Beautiful! Is she fully crawling, or doing a funny army crawl thing?

Becca said...

I love that little face! No you didn't...........YOU HAVE BOOGERS!!!! You are awesome!! I laughed too hard at that!

Rachel said...

No fair, I want a fro in full force! I'm in love with those curls...thanks for your comment on my blog Bec-you are too nice! How are you guys? I gotta call you soon.

Sara Jean said...

Oh goodness gracious! Eliza is just too much for words. What a little doll! Yes, she does look like the little red head at our party! Oh, I just think you have the cutest kids, Becca and Marcus!

Danielle said...

love those curls! Did you get my email about the music?

Fowler family said...

oh she is darling! she's a little shirley temple!

Jaime said...

She is absolutely adorable Rebecca...I was thinking Shirley Temple too and laughed when I saw the comment from the Fowlers! Shirley Temple cheeks AND curls...what could be cuter?!

Mrs. Cropper said...

Cute little Lize. OK well that's all. I have to go cry again about you not being in OR for Christmas.

Sarah said...

She is beautiful! It fun to see her with more personality...she was so little. Miss you.