Thursday, May 10, 2007

OK everybody...since we are moving away to texas, I am going to start really doing this blog thing to keep in touch with all of my beloved family and friends a little bit better!

Well, we are just enjoying the last few weeks of our stay here in Rochester. We have absolutely loved living here and will miss it dearly. We have made so many great friends, that we will be close with our whole lives. We feel very blessed to have been here for four years.

Well, Marcus graduates on the 18th of may! It dosn't seem like four years have passed.

Anyhow, I am going to try and keep this blog thing going, so I can let you know how we are all doing.

love to you all



Katie and Eric said...

Yeah, we are so glad that you started a blog. It is such a fun way to keep up to date on what is going on. We are going to miss you a ton and so at least we will have the blog to keep us going. Love you lots!!!!

Lisa O said...

Hurray! Ramptons are blogging! I saw your link on Katie's site and was so excited. Your family will be sorely missed here in Rochester. Congrats on making it through medical school! I love the picture of Jack with the bouquet of flowers. Your family couldn't be more adorable.

BrianJ said...

I'm looking forward to more photos of your cute family! (especially that Marcus---woo-hoo!)

Meta said...

sara just told me you started a blog - yeah!! can i add you to my connections page? good luck with this week. love you lots.

Sara Jean said...

I love this picture of your family. Eliza is a little cutie pie! You all look great. I sure miss you guys. Good luck taking off for Texas. Love, Sara

emily a. said...

Hi Marcus and Becca. I just noticed the link to your blog from Sara's blog. I'm so glad you are blogging! Eliza is adorable. It's uncanny how much Jack looks like a mini Marcus. CONGRATULATIONS on graduating- that's fantastic. When I saw your Dad in Corvallis the other week he was so excited to come to your graduation. Wonderful. I'm excited to see more pictures soon!

Jared and Lydia said...

I love this picture of you all. You look great. Good luck with the big move.

Rachel said...

So funny. Sam saw this picture of you guys and exclaimed, "Hey! They're on a farm!"
hehe...hope you have fun moving to Texas...big change with two kids! Wishing you the best!

Kristin said...

Hi Becca and Marcus,
I was a roommate of Annas and loved her whole family. I found your blog from her site. I just wanted to say hi and let you know my husband and I lived in San Antonio for four years of medical school and loved it. Do you know where you will be living? We were in Leon Valley ward, but I still have friends in three different wards down there, so I could pass on some names and info if you are looking for some. We are currently in Rochester, MN for where Matt is an ortho resident. Good luck, its a long road, but going to be good. If you want to email me with any questions my email is
Kristin (Davis) Wallace

kg said...

Hi Marcus and Becca, this is Kim (Darin's sister)...found your blog off of Sara's...congratulations Marcus on finishing medical school! Good luck with the move and beginning new in Texas!!
Kim Greenfield