Friday, June 22, 2007

We were driving home from Sea World today, and Jack was sitting his carseat next to his sis, and the whole way home he was doing silly goo goo ga ga noises at her, and she was absolutey belly laughing!! It was so funny! And Jack was so pleased with himself, he thought he was the best big brother in the whole world. Moments like that sure warm a mom's heart. These two little people are my world, and it is a very good world to be in.


emily a. said...

You sure do have adorable children. It's uncanny to me how much Jack looks like a mini Marcus.

Jared and Lydia said...


I remember the first time that Ender and Maya did this same thing in the back seat. I, also will never forget that moment. I always tell people that same story if they ask how it is to have two kids. I am so super happy to hear that you totally stopped and soaked in that memory for all it is worth. The kiddos are looking fabulous!!!

Meta said...

you do have a beautiful and wonderful world!!! so glad we are family.

Mrs. Cropper said...

How cute is that? It is stories like that that make me less stressed out about having more children. :)

Katie and Eric said...

Isn't that the truth! I love being a mom and wonderful moments like that. You are so great!:)

wendyrr said...

Sara saw this picture and exclaimed, "I know him, it's Jackie yo-yo!! giggle giggle."

If I have a boy I hope he's at least half as cute as Jack.